Publicly-funded initiatives

Ongoing initiatives:

A new ecosystem for energy efficiency financing

PROPEL is a 2.5-year EU funded project that kicked off in June 2021, with the aim of creating a holistic resource centre – the Sustainable Energy Finance Association (SEFA) – to develop, sell, contract and finance sustainable energy projects at the required scale in Europe. SEFA will act as THE knowledge and resource centre for the mainstreaming of finance into sustainable energy assets, not only during the project’s lifetime but long after its completion. The PROPEL project will develop an integrated ecosystem of financing collateral and relevant actors, which together will drive the market for sustainable energy assets forward. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101033810.

Energy Efficiency Aggregation platform for Sustainable Investments

Energy efficiency (EE) is fundamental for the cost-effective transition towards a decarbonised and reliable energy system. The European Commission has adopted energy efficiency as a pillar of the Energy Union with the “Efficiency First” (E1st) as a guiding principle underlining it, in which E1st should play a central role in all national plans and reports to the Energy Union. Specific to EE in buildings this is reflected by the current insufficient trends observed in the renovation rates of buildings, which reveal the urgent need for action since this is the largest consumer of energy in Europe.

To address this appropriate implementation of EE measures which are adopted by the majority of final energy users is a must. However, a combination of public and private funding through innovative financing instruments is required to overcome current barriers that prevent mobilization of necessary investments. Although the European Union is taking tangible steps to leverage private funding in EE investments as can be observed from recent initiatives for the standardization and benchmarking of sustainable EE investments and smart energy services. A definite lack of capital flowing to the renovation of the current building stock is still present and is supported by the total value brought by interventions that remain untapped due to lack of funding. For this reason, ENERGATE aims to facilitate the creation of an effective, ICT-enabled, energy efficiency marketplace bringing together energy services and sustainable finance to accelerate the renovation rate of buildings by increasing the chances for projects to be financed. ENERGATE envisions to transform the complex set of decision-making actions for targeted groups, even to non-experts, into a user-friendly and single-entry service.

ENERGATE Project will deliver an effective, ICT-enabled, energy efficiency marketplace bringing together energy services and sustainable finance to accelerate the renovation rate of buildings by increasing the chances for projects to be financed.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101076349. 

Powering the EV battery as an independent asset

Incorporating electric vehicle (EV) batteries into the electricity system is essential to promote storage and flexibility capacity. It requires the use of vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-building technology combined with energy efficiency and price forecasting ICT tools. In this context, the EU-funded V2Market project will put together all the relevant actors in the value chain to work on the definition of the role and the contractual arrangements of a new business case. By providing flexibility services to the grid, the project will address energy efficiency at the systems level. At the building/end-user level, it will optimise energy management thanks to the incorporation of the EV battery.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101033686.


Launching new Taxonomy-aligned Green Homes & Green Mortgages programs in the EU

The SMARTER4EU initiative is set to introduce green finance programs aimed at promoting sustainable homes, fostering healthier living environments, and enhancing energy security. To qualify for these green finance products, third-party green certification for sustainable homes, aligned with the EU taxonomy, will be utilized.  SMARTER4EU's objective is to facilitate the incorporation of residential projects totaling over 100 billion Euros across Europe. These projects not only comply with the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities' criteria for green finance but also leverage the Level(s) framework and CEN standards to ensure reliable environmental performance and strong governance.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Clean Energy Transition Programme under grant agreement no. 101121060.

Closed initiatives:

Developing the SEA securities market

Sustainable energy assets (SEA) contain tremendous potential as tradable securities. Their acceptance is currently hampered by a lack of standardisation in contract types, risk-assessment protocols and tools towards scaling up. The LAUNCH project will help lay the groundwork for SEA development through systems that train developers in real market conditions, standardising contracts with clients, and putting in place protocols allowing developers to assess risk. Through its large network, LAUNCH will also collaborate with the European Finance Industry and developers to encourage acceptance of SEA and help it grow as an industry, leading to new job opportunities and more energy conservation in the EU.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 847048. 

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